Lacul Sânta-Ana ( Băile Tușnad)
The only crater lake in one of the eroded volcanic craters of Transylvania Ciomad Mountains (Harghita County) near Băile Tușnad.
Piatra Singuratică (Munţii Hăşmaş)
The Hăşmaş Mountains are among the most beautiful mountain ranges of the Eastern Carpathians. Its reputation is due to its varied, versatile terrain and its geological structure.
Cheile Bicazului (Munții Hășmaș)
The Cheile Bicazului is one of Europe's natural rarity at the foot of the Masivul Ceahlău, at the crossing of the Râul Bicaz and the Bistrița Aurie River.
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Lacul Ursu (Sovata)
The most famous resort of the Secuiesc salt region is an internationally renowned spa resort. The mountains are covered with pristine forests of primeval forest. Because of the above, the site has a unique microclimate, and the salty air mixed with resin acts with healing power.